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PIC24 Memory Statistics



Author: VCC

Last Updated: 2021-04-20

Package Version:

Category: Other Codes

Downloaded: 130 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

The purpose of this tool is to display a chart containing the memory allocation in a PIC24/dsPIC project.

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Visual comparison window

Hex files can be loaded only from the form's menu. No command line option yet.

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PIC24MemoryStatistics is derived from PIC32MemoryStatistics. So it starts at version 1.4.

Compared to previous versions of PIC32MemoryStatistics , it has the following features:

- Added support for alternate ROM section (for the definition file) - see settings window
- The alternate ROM section name, expected from a definition file, can be user defined - see settings window
- Added support for json definition files
- Added new builds (with unicode support) FreePascal.Win32, FreePascal.Win64, FreePascal.Lin64  (the Delphi 2006 build does not support unicode)
- The visual compare window allows adding user notes by double clicking the notes column
- Added searchboxes on visual compare window
- Added a vertical splitter on the main window
- Table tooltips (hints) can be disabled from the settings window
- Various performance fixes

- Since the application depends on Webdings font, the up/down arrow buttons on the visual compare window, will display "5" and "6" if the font is not available.
- The vertical splitter on the main window does not save its position (it has to be adjusted every time the application starts)
- Depending on Linux distribution, the font size (theme dependent) may be too big, so the displayed text will not fit properly

Known issues:
- The FreePascal builds may display an access violation when closing a hex file from the visual compare window
- The Linux builds will display a too small editbox when adding/editing a user note on the visual compare window
- The visual compare window displays all possible addresses of a device, based on the definition file, so it becomes very slow or appears to freeze on big devices
- When loading big devices in visual compare window, the Win32 versions of the application, will display Out of Memory.
- Depending on the splitter position from the main window, some visual components may overlap


Version: 1.5
- The alternate ROM column can be hidden when there is no section in definition file
- Possible fix for access violation when closing a hex file from compare window
- Various minor fixes




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