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mikroSDK Library

Current 5 Click



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2024-10-31

Package Version:

mikroSDK Library:

Category: Current sensor

Downloaded: 152 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

Current 5 Click is a compact add-on board that provides a precise and accurate current sensing solution. This board features the INA381, a high-speed current-sense amplifier with an integrated comparator from Texas Instruments. This device has selectable operating modes (transparent or latched) and detects overcurrent conditions by measuring the voltage developed across a current shunt resistor. Then it compares that voltage to a user-defined threshold limit set by the comparator reference potentiometer. The current-shunt monitor can measure differential voltage signals on common-mode voltages that vary from –0.2V to 26V, independent of the supply voltage. This Click board™ delivers higher performance to applications such as test and measurement, load and power supplies monitoring, low-side phase motor control, and many more.

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mikroSDK Library Blog

Current 5 Click

Current 5 Click is a compact add-on board that provides a precise and accurate current sensing solution. This board features the INA381, a high-speed current-sense amplifier with an integrated comparator from Texas Instruments. This device has selectable operating modes (transparent or latched) and detects overcurrent conditions by measuring the voltage developed across a current shunt resistor. Then it compares that voltage to a user-defined threshold limit set by the comparator reference potentiometer. The current-shunt monitor can measure differential voltage signals on common-mode voltages that vary from –0.2V to 26V, independent of the supply voltage. This Click board™ delivers higher performance to applications such as test and measurement, load and power supplies monitoring, low-side phase motor control, and many more.


Click Product page

Click library

  • Author : Luka Filipovic
  • Date : Sep 2021.
  • Type : SPI type

Software Support

We provide a library for the Current5 Click as well as a demo application (example), developed using MikroElektronika compilers. The demo can run on all the main MikroElektronika development boards.

Package can be downloaded/installed directly from NECTO Studio Package Manager(recommended way), downloaded from our LibStock™ or found on Mikroe github account.

Library Description

This library contains API for Current5 Click driver.

Standard key functions :

  • current5_cfg_setup Config Object Initialization function.

    void current5_cfg_setup ( current5_cfg_t *cfg );
  • current5_init Initialization function.

    err_t current5_init ( current5_t *ctx, current5_cfg_t *cfg );

Example key functions :

  • current5_get_current Get current.

    err_t current5_get_current ( current5_t *ctx, float *current )
  • current5_get_adc Read raw adc value.

    err_t current5_get_adc ( current5_t *ctx, uint16_t *adc_data )
  • current5_get_alert Get alert pin state.

    uint8_t current5_get_alert ( current5_t *ctx )

Example Description

This example application showcases ability of the device to read raw adc data and calculate the current from it.

The demo application is composed of two sections :

Application Init

Initialization of communication modules(SPI, UART) and additional pins for controlling device(RST, ALERT->INT).

void application_init ( void )
    log_cfg_t log_cfg;  /**< Logger config object. */
    current5_cfg_t current5_cfg;  /**< Click config object. */

     * Logger initialization.
     * Default baud rate: 115200
     * Default log level: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
     * @note If USB_UART_RX and USB_UART_TX 
     * are defined as HAL_PIN_NC, you will 
     * need to define them manually for log to work. 
     * See @b LOG_MAP_USB_UART macro definition for detailed explanation.
    LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
    log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
    log_info( &logger, " Application Init " );

    // Click initialization.
    current5_cfg_setup( &current5_cfg );
    CURRENT5_MAP_MIKROBUS( current5_cfg, MIKROBUS_1 );
    err_t init_flag  = current5_init( &current5, &current5_cfg );
    if ( SPI_MASTER_ERROR == init_flag )
        log_error( &logger, " Application Init Error. " );
        log_info( &logger, " Please, run program again... " );

        for ( ; ; );

    log_info( &logger, " Application Task " );

Application Task

Read ADC data with SPI communication and calculate input current.

void application_task ( void )
    float current = 0;
    current5_get_current( &current5, &current );
    log_printf( &logger, " > Current[ A ]: %.2f\r\n", current );
    log_printf( &logger, "*************************************************\r\n" );
    Delay_ms ( 300 );

The full application code, and ready to use projects can be installed directly from NECTO Studio Package Manager(recommended way), downloaded from our LibStock™ or found on Mikroe github account.

Other Mikroe Libraries used in the example:

  • MikroSDK.Board
  • MikroSDK.Log
  • Click.Current5

Additional notes and informations

Depending on the development board you are using, you may need USB UART Click, USB UART 2 Click or RS232 Click to connect to your PC, for development systems with no UART to USB interface available on the board. The terminal available in all MikroElektronika compilers, or any other terminal application of your choice, can be used to read the message.


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