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DALI 3.3V click - Example



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2012-11-10

Package Version:


Category: DALI

Downloaded: 4627 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

This example demonstrates use of DALI protocol for controlling leds on board. There are two DALI click cards which allow protocol communication.

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Example Blog

DALI 3.3V Click Board

DALI 3.3V Click Board

Front and back side appearance of the DALI 3.3V Click Board.

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DALI 3.3V click is an easy solution for implementing light control over DALI protocol. Example demonstrates leds control with master (control) device, at the one side, and slave device at another. 

System used: EasyMx Pro v7 with STM32F407VG

Additional boards: Easy TFT for master touch panel control.


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