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Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2016-02-20
Package Version:
Category: Development Systems
Downloaded: 1168 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Examples for dsPICPRO4 development system
1354273416_dspicpro4_mikroc_dspic.rar [610.77KB] | mikroC PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
1354273454_dspicpro4_mikrobasic_dspic.rar [580.94KB] | mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
1354273504_dspicpro4_mikropascal_dspic.rar [590.81KB] | mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
dsPICPRO4 development system is a fully-featured development board for dsPIC Microchip microcontrollers. It is designed to allow engineers to easily test and explore the capabilities of dsPIC microcontrollers.
Provided examples are written for:
-- A/D conversion and displaying conversion results on LCD.
-- Measuring temperature with DS1820 and displaying results on LCD.
-- Examples of SPI communication.
-- Examples of CAN communication.
-- Sending and receiving data over Ethernet.
-- Displaying text on LCD.
-- Displaying text and images on Graphic LCD.
-- Examples of I2C communication.
-- Examples of RS485 communication.
-- Touch Screen demonstration example.
-- Sending data to a PC via serial communication.
-- Reading date and time from PCF8583 Real Time Clock.
-- Examples of reading and writing data to MMC or CF cards.
RTC 10 Click is a real time clock module which has an extremely low power consumption, allowing it to be used with a single button cell battery, for an extended period of time. It features the DS3231M, a low-cost, extremely accurate, I2C realtime clock (RTC) from Maxim Integrated.
[Learn More]MikroPlot is a graph generator. It’s a simple tool to help you visualize sensor data recorded over time. It’s suitable for bio signals (ECG, EEG, EMG) as well as environmental data logging (temperature, humidity etc). The app can receive data sets directly from a microcontroller through a UART-USB connection.
[Learn More]Smoke 2 Click is a compact add-on board that contains the most efficient version of the smoke detector. This board features the ADPD188BI, a complete photometric system for smoke detection using optical dual-wavelength technology from Analog Devices.
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