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Author: Istvan K
Last Updated: 2016-02-19
Package Version:
Category: LCD
Downloaded: 2399 times
Followed by: 2 users
License: MIT license
Contains an all-in-one function which allows to create parameterized LCD bargraph(s). 8 variants, 'unlimited' width. For any pic12/16, pic12/16_enhanced and pic18.
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1394360106_lcd_bargraph_lib_mikroc_pic.rar [380.01KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
My complete Bargraph library (PIC, mikroC)
Contains an all-in-one function which allows to create parameterized bargraph(s) on an HD44780 compliant LCD.
. Scalable, configurable via predefined mode constants.
. Any width can be used, it's limited by the LCD line lenght only !!
. 8 different mode (variants): 3-5-7 segments and 35 pixels, all twice.
. No any init function since the used custom char is on the fly defined
. Max. 8 independent (even 1..4 char vertical) bargraph can be used
on the same LCD (because there are only 8 custom chars).
Separated libraries for the three families (pic12/16, pic12/16_Enh and pic18).
Published in precompiled (MCL) form but with description and a lot of working examples.
. LCD_BarGraph (char cc, used custom char (0...7), must be unique !
. char pos, starting position, eg _LCD_THIRD_ROW + 3
. char mode, variant (use one of the predefined constants)
. char width, number of chars, determines the full-scale
. unsigned value); will be displayed
The "LCD_" tag means that it uses (calls) two mikroE LCD libary functions:
. extern void Lcd_Cmd (char);
. extern void Lcd_Chr_CP (char);
and you have to use the usual LCD pin definitions and the Lcd_Init func.
. (but you can write your own functions too, using the same names)
I created several Proteus projects (attached with C sources) to show the possibilities.
The test circuit is always the same, the "8chVoltmeter_4v9.DSN"
See the demo animations and the pictures:
Four different 14ch horizontal, three different 4char vertical Bargraph, full scale = 1024 counts
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