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Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2014-07-11
Package Version:
Category: Development Systems
Downloaded: 1686 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Set of examples for mikromedia for PSoC® 5LP. Provided examples demonstrate working with mikromedia's various features and modules: Accelerometer, Calculator, MP3, RTCC, Serial FRAM, TFT, Slider.
Examples are written in PSoC® Creator 3.0.
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1405063782_mikromedia_for_p_other_other.rar [189.38MB] | Other Compiler |
These examples demonstrates usage of various external modules connected to the microcontroller CY8C5868AXI-LP035.
On board ADXL345 accelerometer is used to measure acceleration in three axis: x, y and z. The accelerometer function is defi ned by the user in the program loaded into the microcontroller. Communication between the accelerometer and the microcontroller is performed via the I2C interface.
View full imageSince multimedia applications are getting increasingly demanding, it is necessary to provide additional memory space to be used for storing more data. The FRAM module enables the microcontroller to use additional 2Mbit ferroelectric non-volatile memory.
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