Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Paul Kimmens

posted on 2013/12/11 06:26:58 PM CET

Communication > Ethernet

Web server micro basic

Are there any examples of web server software written in micro basic? I am looking to create a web server that receives wind speed and direction data via a serial link and then displays the information on a web page.



Petr N

posted on 2013/12/02 07:37:10 PM CET


nRF C click AVR mPascal

Have anyone routines for using nRF C click with AVR for mPascal?

katela kasipunye

posted on 2013/12/02 08:45:02 AM CET

Communication > Light control

Urban Traffic light control

Good day, i need a mikroC pro for PIC code to control traffic lights at an intersection., the program should be able to detect if any failure of any light and go to fault mode which can be flashing all lights and possibly send the fault report via sms.
I wish to use any ready Mikroelekronika boards like the V7, the PLC board or any alternative board.
Thank you very much.

Z Sadiq

posted on 2013/12/01 06:05:58 PM CET


Ethernet using UDP

I need a very simple code (complete program) to send and read byte using mikro c pro for pic, 18F45K22 and Ethernet Click (28J60) on UDP Protocol.


posted on 2013/11/26 03:23:53 PM CET


UART Library with parity

MikroC hardware uart library does not support parity.
I need to use 8E1 (8 databits, Even parity, 1 Stop bit)
Someone can help about enhancing current library to use with 'even' parity?

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