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posted on 2012/04/08 09:11:49 AM CEST
Dear Sir,
I need library or code for (MikroC Pro for PIC) to deal with GLCD 320*240 (LM2029C) With SED1335 controller
posted on 2011/10/15 03:51:31 AM CEST
Hello.I use the instruction ;[ T6963C_txtFill(0);//Clear current text panel ] to make a page and to make 20 pages I write that instruction at the first and top of each page.But I think that is not a corrected way[on the basis of paging in T6963C GLCD].
Would you please tell me about the meaning of paging in T6963C GLCD and how can I make 20 different pages by T6963C GLCD?