We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2015/04/28 05:53:59 PM CEST
Hi All,
I would like your help for some SPI routines for the above touch panel controller (initialise, read touch coordinates etc). This controller is featured on the displaytech INT043BTFT-TS TFT display which also uses the Solomon SSD1961 display controller.
Also does anybody know if I can use the SSD1963 library routines in MikroC Pro PIC32 compiler and Visual TFT to control this TFT display.
posted on 2015/04/15 04:21:42 PM CEST
If someone could assist me with a code example for using a 20x4 LCD on I2C bus on a small PIC16 I'd appreciate it. I can't find examples of this anywhere.
posted on 2015/03/09 01:26:38 AM CET
I would like to make available using the MAX7219 example with 7 segments
button and sound or watch would be very useful to learn
tried to put together the sound matriz8x8 but is catching all need some more examples of a conjugate function have a pic Easy v7, thank you!
#define IMG_SIZE 20
#include "8X8 FONT.h"
#include "LED_Driver.h"
// Serial 7-seg Display connections
sbit sfr Chip_Select1 at RE0_bit;
sbit sfr Chip_Select_Direction1 at TRISE0_bit;
sbit sfr Chip_Select2 at RA5_bit;
sbit sfr Chip_Select_Direction2 at TRISA5_bit;
// Serial 7-seg Display connections
char i;
const unsigned char intro[] = " mikroElektronika 8x8Rclick"; // Text to display
void main() {
SPI1_Init(); // Initialize SPI module
max7219_init(1); // initialize max7219
max7219_init(2); // initialize max7219
slide_text_double(intro); // Text slide animation
for(i = 0 ; i < IMG_SIZE ; i++){ // Play graphical sequence forward
display_image_const(img1[i], 1);
display_image_const(img2[i], 2);
for(i = IMG_SIZE-1 ; i > 0 ; i--){ // Play graphical sequence backward
display_image_const(img1[IMG_SIZE-1-i], 1); // Reverse and play forward 8x8 R click in first mikroBUS socket
display_image_const(img2[i] ,2);
Hello !, Cool would like to see a change
message by the computer, a sound beep type like this:
void Melody() { // Plays the melody "Yellow house"
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3();
Tone3(); Tone3(); Tone2(); Tone2(); Tone1();
or type this:
UART1_Init(4800); // initialize UART1 module
while (1) {
if (UART_Data_Ready() == 1) { // if data is received
UART_Read_Text(output, "OK", 10); // reads text until 'OK' is found
UART_Write_Text(output); // sends back text
thank you!
posted on 2015/03/04 02:43:17 AM CET
I have a Problem in TFT Code loading >>>
When I loading an example for Easy TFT The code build Successful and TFT Screen Work fine but when i generate my code in visual tft program then build the code in mikroC pro for arm the TFT Screen Empty >>>
and when i open the example code for easy tft on the MikroC Pro for arm and build it on the program then load the code to the EasyMx Pro v7 STM32 ARM the tft screen empty ...
any help and thank you
posted on 2015/01/15 06:10:05 AM CET
Hi,Recently I purchase a lisence for the visual glcd but I found there are no hardware selection for smartGLCD rev1.51. Pls help to guide me how to use visual glcd to generate the code for smart glcd? Thanks!
Shunren Lin