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Project Request

Mosa Polelo

posted on 2011/08/24 01:49:55 PM CEST

Communication > USB

nRF905 C433 with PIC18F4520

I would like to know how to communicate with the nRF905 C433 device (14 pin) from nordice with my pic184520. So far i have tried sending through with TXREG = 'F'; and recieved something else. Also i am trying SPI but it is also proving diffcult. PLease help, will upload my code on request.

USER Comments


posted on 2011/08/25 04:53:15 AM CEST

I have read the datasheet, with spi you must have a clock frequency from 1hz->to 10mhz, and you have to use spi mode (0).
The clock pin stays idle low, clock at rising edge, and choose the (fosc/4,fosc/8...) depending on your oscilator used!

as for sending data their is a flow char that says you must provide a preamble ,address, payload, crc this is the packet format, post me some of your code so that i can help.

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