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Project Request

Shaheen Muhammed

posted on 2014/04/01 12:17:44 PM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)

Need code for a counter to run between two inputs.. details can be found below

i have two pairs IR sensors A and B respectively.
When sensor A detects its input and sensor B detects its input within 20s after sensorA detects then light a LED.
Please im struggling so please help.
Thanks in advance

USER Comments


posted on 2014/04/17 10:15:07 AM CEST

here is a simple solution as far as I can gather from your post, assuming setup for MikroC PIC18F45K22 32 MHz HS-PLL so you will need to modify it to suit your needs. Using 50ms timer1.

note: to keep proper formatting I replaced all spaces with '.' just copy into text editor and do 'search and replace' all the .'s

sbit LED at LATA2_bit;

unsigned short cnt, trigg, i;

//Prescaler 1:8; TMR1 Preload = 15536; Actual Interrupt Time : 50 ms
void InitTimer1(){
..T1CON.........= 0x31;
..TMR1IF_bit....= 0;
..TMR1H.........= 0x3C;
..TMR1L.........= 0xB0;
..TMR1IE_bit....= 1;
..INTCON........= 0xC0;

void Interrupt() {
..if (TMR1IF_bit) {
....TMR1IF_bit = 0;
....TMR1H......= 0x3C;
....TMR1L......= 0xB0;

void main() {
..ANSELA = 0;
..TRISA = 0x03;

..LED = 0; {
....if (Button(&PORTA, 0, 2, 1)) {.............// only used buttons as example, can substitute with any input
......cnt = 0;
......trigg = 1;

....if (cnt >= 401) {
.......trigg = 0;

....if (trigg == 1 && Button(&PORTA, 1, 2, 1)) {
.......LED = 1;
.......delay_ms(1000);.......................// remove this and next line if you only want it to stay lit
.......LED = 0;
.......trigg = 0;
.......continue;...................................// remove if you do not want it setup as a one-shot
..} while(1);

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