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Project Request

Rodrigo Silva

posted on 2014/10/17 04:28:03 AM CEST

Other Codes

Problems using the ASIN function using variables

I'm using the accelerometer MMA7361 to convert the slope in degrees.
I'm having problems doing the following equation by the compiler:

degrees = asin ((reading1 - 1.65) / 0.8; // this formula was removed from the Freescale website "Aplication Note AN3107 - Measuring Tilt with Low-g Accelerometers"

degrees (Float)
Reading1 (int) used to convert A / D value in tension.

The value shows only "0" and not know why. I think there is a problem with my variable or the "asin" function.

while (1){

Leitura = Adc_Read(0); //Faz a leitura do canal AN0 (X)
Leitura = Leitura / 0.20459; //a variável Leitura. Faz em seguida a operação
IntToStr(Leitura, texto); //para apresentar o valor entre 0 a 5000mV
Glcd_Write_Text(texto, 40, 3, 1);

//Transformar em Graus
Leitura1 = Adc_Read(0); //Faz a leitura do canal AN0 (X)
Leitura1 = Leitura1 / 0.20459; //a variável Leitura. Faz em seguida a operação

graus = asin ((Leitura1 - 1.65) / 0.8;

IntToStr(graus, texto1);
Glcd_Write_Text(texto1, 40, 5, 1);

if (graus > 40) {
RELE = 1;
LED = 1;
else {
RELE = 0;
LED = 0;


USER Comments

Rodrigo Silva

posted on 2014/10/22 12:04:47 AM CEST


The code with problem is this:

graus = asin ((Leitura1 - 1650) / 800;

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