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posted on 2014/11/30 03:55:29 PM CET
I'm trying to get an RS232 click board working with a clicker2 board using microbasic.
My code is as as below. I don't get anything out of the serial port. It's just a very simple program to start with to get the 232 click working before I move onto more complex code. Within the code I also have a bit of code to turn on an led when a button is pressed and that all works OK. It's probably something very simple that I've not done but I can't spot it. Have looked at rs232 click examples and can't see what I am missing
program RF_Wind_Monitor_Transmitter
' pin definitions
dim LD1 as sbit at LATD4_bit 'left hand LED
dim LD2 as sbit at LATE4_bit 'right hand LED
dim LD1_Direction as sbit at TRISD4_bit
dim LD2_Direction as sbit at TRISE4_bit
dim T1 as sbit at RD7_bit 'left hand button
dim T2 as sbit at RH3_bit 'right hand button
dim T1_Direction as sbit at TRISD7_bit
dim T2_Direction as sbit at TRISH3_bit
' MCU initialization
sub procedure MCU_Init()
T1_Direction = 1 ' Set direction for buttons
T2_Direction = 1
LD1_Direction = 0 ' Set direction for LEDs
LD2_Direction = 0
LD1 = 0 ' turn off LEDs
LD2 = 0
' Initialize global variables
UART1_Init(9600) ' Initialize UART1 module at 9600 bps
Delay_ms(100) ' Wait for UART1 module to stabilize
UART2_Init(9600) ' Initialize UART2 module at 9600 bps
Delay_ms(100) ' Wait for UART2 module to stabilize
end sub
MCU_Init() ' Initialize the MCU
UART1_Write_Text("EchoTest") ' send text string
Delay_ms(250) ' wait for 250ms
while(TRUE) ' Endless loop
' check T1 button
if (Button(PORTD, 7, 2, 1)) then ' Detect logical zero
LD1 = 0 'turn on LD1
LD1 = 1 ' turn off LED1
end if