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posted on 2016/05/21 03:02:08 PM CEST
I modified FT800 demo code for PIC18F46K22. Work fine FTDI VM800B50A modul... I have FT812 version display. (RVT70AQFFWR00_Rev.1.2 - Riverdi) Also modified, does not work with PIC18F46K22. The problem is that, the display remains dark. (1-2 second backlight, then the dark) This MCU not compatible FT812? Bad FT812 driver board?
I'm sad and I regret that I bought FT812 display. :( i use FT800's display, and no problem with 8bit MCU. FT812 has no specific examples...
I hope someone can tell reassuring. Example with 8bit MCU?
Thank you!
Sorry for my English.