Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

Project Request

Shiva Kumar Reddy Kothuru

posted on 2018/12/14 12:52:32 PM CET

Other Codes

Using RC0 and RC1 as digital output pins of PIC18F87K22

Hello folks,

I would like to set my pins RC0 and RC1 as digital outputs but cannot use them as digital outputs after setting the below config.
#pragma config SOSCSEL = DIG
CCP2CON = 0;

I searched some blogs where everyone used this library "xc.h", I am not using this library for my application.

any help for my issue is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!