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We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2019/12/05 11:32:12 AM CET
Interface > I2C
I want to learn i2c. With the poort expander
posted on 2019/12/09 05:00:52 PM CET
Do a search for "MCP23017" in libstock or mikroE website Obvious results are expander click and expander2 click
Do you want to report abuse comment ID: 2239 in "Who can give me code to work with MCP23017 IO expander I2C in BASIC" request.
USER Comments
posted on 2019/12/09 05:00:52 PM CET
Do a search for "MCP23017" in libstock or mikroE website
Obvious results are expander click and expander2 click
Do you want to report abuse comment ID: 2239 in "Who can give me code to work with MCP23017 IO expander I2C in BASIC" request.