We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
Author: Andrew Hazelden
Last Updated: 2014-10-06
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 476 times
Followed by: 2 users
License: MIT license
Download [1.97MB]This firmware example uses the Libstock TFT Graphics library to render animated 3D Sprites on a Mikromedia PIC32 board. The demo can be controlled using the touch panel or the Mikromedia Gaming Shield.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2014-09-16
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 585 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [194.85KB]Another project from our intern's lab, mikroBlocks is a clone of tetris developed from scratch.
[learn more]Author: Andrew Hazelden
Last Updated: 2014-08-24
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 544 times
Followed by: 2 users
License: MIT license
Download [1.31MB]The python based thumbstick.py demo allows you to read a MikroElektronika Thumbstick Click board on a Raspberry PI using the GPIO and SPI inputs via a Pi Click Shield. The Thumbstick Click board uses an SPI based MCP3204 module for reading the joystick axes and the joystick "center click" button is read using the GPIO input 17 on the Raspberry Pi.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2014-07-25
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 832 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [330.34KB]We challenge you to beat an STM32 it in a blitz game. Our chief of software can do it fairly consistently. How well will you fare? You can use the SpeakUp to speak out your moves while you skim a book on chess openings.
[learn more]Author: Jim Walsh
Last Updated: 2014-04-07
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 437 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [6.26KB]Author: Dennis Lepine
Last Updated: 2013-12-29
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 649 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [3.56MB]Demonstration of an old memory game, Simon Says. It uses a 128x64 GLCD. Game is played entirely by the touch screen. Uses sound effects. This is more for beginners, like me, starting to learn the C programming language and MikroC Pro using the EasyPicv7.
[learn more]Author: Testing Engineer
Last Updated: 2013-12-16
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 517 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Download [95.87KB]This is a standard Sudoku game created for mikromedia Plus for PIC32MX7.
Since code is not architecture dependant project can be easily generated for other mikromedia Plus boards from mikroE.
Author: Andrew Hazelden
Last Updated: 2013-12-07
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 1374 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Download [417.61KB]This firmware is a 3D demo for the accelerometer built into the mikromedia PIC32 board from MikroElektronika.
The numbers onscreen are the tilt in degrees.
The 3D axis view compass shows the orientation of the X, Y, and Z axes. The red line is the X axis, the green line is for the Y axis, and the blue line is the Z axis.
Author: Dennis Lepine
Last Updated: 2013-11-17
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 716 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [34.62KB]This program rotates the LEDs on PORTC and PORTD one at a time and at a varying speed. The direction of the rotation can be reversed by pushing switch RB0 (PORTB.0) causing an interrupt. It is for display purpose only. This is more for beginners, like me, starting to learn the C programming language and MikroC Pro.
[learn more]Author: Andrew Hazelden
Last Updated: 2013-06-25
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 767 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [2.99MB]The fireworks example creates an animated fireworks show on the Mikromedia PIC32 development board. The fireworks firmware demonstrates a way to use the VisualTFT resource collection feature to create movies. The code was written using VisualTFT and MikroC Pro for PIC32.
[learn more]