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posted on 2014/06/14 07:25:12 PM CEST
Hi All...
I need HTTP server to be in PIC18F45K22 and connected to Serial Ethernet Board.........I used the board and it is works successfully with PIC16F877A & PIC16F887 but it did not work with PIC18F45K22
posted on 2014/04/28 06:28:24 AM CEST
Hello guys,
someone has created a "mail server" with the PIC18 or PIC32?
I would like to use the Ethernet module of the PIC to send email
Thanks to all who help me.
Best regards.
posted on 2014/01/29 05:07:12 PM CET
Hello guys,
someone has created a "mail server" with the PIC?
I would like to use the Ethernet module of the PIC to send email
Thanks to all who help me.
Best regards
posted on 2014/01/28 04:11:01 PM CET
hi all,
i'm nicola and i have a easypic pro v7 development board.
The MCU card installed is PIC18F87J60.
I would like to make two modules (A/B) that can communicate with each other peer to peer via Ethernet:
a change of state of one of the 4 input ports of A is transferred to B, which changes the status of the corresponding
output port (for example: (A) input port 1 -> (B) output port 1). in the same way, a change of state of one of the 4 input ports of B is transmitted to A.
So for every module we have 4 input ports and 4 output ports.
Can you help me? have you a example of firmware in mikrobasic o mikroc?
Since I only have one board, how can I test the two modules?
Have I to purchase some card add/on (mikrobus sockets)?
best regards
posted on 2013/12/19 11:04:26 AM CET
I have an AVR board that calculate and shows date and events for each day. In this project because events are change all year
i have to update the program.
How can i connect to internet and update some value or download a file to MMC/SD-Card(For example an image ore txt file)?
Thanks a lot for your help ...