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posted on 2013/12/11 06:26:58 PM CET
Are there any examples of web server software written in micro basic? I am looking to create a web server that receives wind speed and direction data via a serial link and then displays the information on a web page.
posted on 2013/07/05 05:33:17 AM CEST
please does any have a schemattic usable on proteeus for etherneett simulations
posted on 2013/06/12 03:53:06 PM CEST
Hello I need code in MicroC for Serial Ethernet Board for simple functions of sending and receiving data etween PC and MCU, and to turn on one of eight led diods. Thank you! :)
posted on 2012/11/11 08:58:02 AM CET
i've purchased lv18fj development board and i've tried example provided with compiler, it works but only when i connect board directly with my PC. but when i try to connect both things with router, it doesn't work, board never gets IP from dhcp server.
so please provide some example for DHCP, board has PIC18f87j60a and 25MHz crystal.
posted on 2012/08/17 01:40:42 PM CEST
Hello, I need to know if it is possible that from a PIC send every 10 minutes a requirement to a web page installed in an external server and updates an information. I have worked several times with PIC and ENC28J60 but always I could have acceded to the PIC from an explorer and the PIC always works as server. What I need is that the PIC works as client and it is the one that realizes the request to the servant. Transmit something this way:
http: \\ www.mypage.com\a\create = "1"
Is possible? , thank you