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posted on 2013/03/20 11:47:24 AM CET
I have a problem for pic to pic communiction.
I wont intercept when the communication thru a pic is break
Please give me a suggestion
sorry for the english
posted on 2013/03/14 03:54:36 PM CET
i like to use mpusbapi.dll provided by microchip, i want to use bulk type transfer, not only interrupt. how can i do it?
do i only modify the USBdsc.c ?
does anyone have some example?
i can comunicate using mpusbapi.dll pc side, but the problem is when i connect the microcontroller to the pc it's detected as HID, i have to do a lot of to overwrithe the microchip driver.
thank you.
posted on 2013/02/01 10:42:30 AM CET
I work with EasyPIC-7/MikroC PRO for PIC/16F887, a wonderful platform!
My PC has no tradional RS232 COM-port (DSUB-9).
So, I want to use the USB UART (at the left side of the 4x7-segment display)
My PC recognice the USB-connection with the build-in USART Terminal (on USB/COM-3).
There is communication... but the program doesn't work. I receive only strange characters.
The USART-terminal settings for this are:
Bits per second: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None.
What's my problem?
Can you help me?
void newline()
UART1_Write(13); // Carriage Return
UART1_Write(10); // Line Feed
void main()
unsigned char MyError, Temp;
ANSEL = ANSELH = 0x00;
C1ON_bit = C2ON_bit = 0; // Disable Comparators
TRISB = 0b00000010;
UART1_Write_Text("Testing UART! ");
UART1_Write_Text("Type in a Number: ");
Temp = UART1_Read();
UART1_Write_Text("You entered: ");
} while(1);
} // End main()
posted on 2013/01/09 10:03:07 AM CET
Please upload example code for the ATMEGA or ATXMEGA using the internal UARTs in a buffered mode with interrupts. Thanks
posted on 2012/12/18 04:18:24 PM CET
This project is on this site but in microPascal. If you please, I would like to have it in mikroC