Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Mohamad Reza

posted on 2012/10/10 06:10:43 AM CEST


HID in MikroPascal For AVR

i found a small code by Bascom for HID usb ...
is ther any code for mikropascal to make avr as HID usb?

Eric Jordan

posted on 2012/09/25 01:52:57 AM CEST


BGLib implementation for BLE112 on PIC24

I am looking for a basic implementation of the BGLib for the BLE112 on a PIC24 using UART or SPI (UART Preferred).

vatsal soni

posted on 2012/08/24 04:13:55 AM CEST

Communication > USB

android interface pic32

Hi guys, I'm looking for source code to interface pic32mx795f512h in USB host mode with android phone.
please help

thank you

Ahmad Abdullah

posted on 2012/08/20 04:23:57 PM CEST


Interfacing a JPEG Camera With PIC

I want to know how to write a code , to take pictures from a JPEG camera , and translate them to a computer by serial port.

francisco duran

posted on 2012/08/17 01:40:42 PM CEST

Communication > Ethernet


Hello, I need to know if it is possible that from a PIC send every 10 minutes a requirement to a web page installed in an external server and updates an information. I have worked several times with PIC and ENC28J60 but always I could have acceded to the PIC from an explorer and the PIC always works as server. What I need is that the PIC works as client and it is the one that realizes the request to the servant. Transmit something this way:
http: \\\a\create = "1"
Is possible? , thank you

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