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posted on 2011/10/19 08:02:39 AM CEST
hi i wana use a MMC card. i hve the impression that the buffer is overfloding.
could someone check the code and tell me what i did wrong....
void sd_card_init()
// Initialisiere SPI für MMC Zugriff
// Initialize MMC
if (!Mmc_Fat_Init())
// Falls MMC Init nicht i.O. ist SPI schneller initialisieren.
void sd_card_read()
int zi = 0, zb = 0, zc = 0 ,zd = 0; // Schlaufenzähler
Mmc_Fat_Assign("config.txt", 0); //File config.txt öffnen
Mmc_Fat_Reset(&size); //grösse des Files auslesen und in size speichern
//File Auslesen und in buffer schreiben
for (zi = 1; zi <= size; zi++)
//Wenn ein "-" (ASCII Code 45)
if (buffer[0] == 45)
zb = 0;
//Hier wird eine Zeile eingelesen (bis zum nächsten CR ASCII 13)
//oder 200 Zeichen eingelesen wurden
while (buffer [zb] != 13)
if (zb == 200) break;
//Die ersten 4 Bytes des buffer werden in das Kommandobyte kopiert
zc = 0; //Schlaufenzähler auf 0 setzen
while (zc != 4) //Schlaufe um 4 bytes zu lesen
buffer_kdo[zc] = buffer[zc+1];
//Byte 6 bis Byte 26 werden in buffer_ebene gespeichert
zd = 0; //Schlaufenzähler auf 0 setzen
while (zd != 20) //Schlaufe um 20 bytes zu lesen
buffer_ebene[zd] = buffer[zd+6];
void fill_vars()
//In dieser Funktion wird ein gefülltes Kommandobyte und Ebenenbyte
//vom Puffer in die entsprechende Variable ebenen_bez abgefüllt
//Funktionsinterne Variablendeklaration
int ebene_einer = 0 , ebene_zehner=0, ebene_total =0; //Ebenen Vraiablen
int ia = 0, i=0; //Schlaufen Variablen
//oder Ebenen Text
if (buffer_kdo[0] != 'E') return;
if (buffer_kdo[1] == 'B')
ebene_einer = buffer_kdo[3]-48;
ebene_zehner = buffer_kdo[2]-48;
ebene_total = (ebene_zehner * 10) + ebene_einer;
//4 Bytes Ebenentext in entsprechendes Array abfüllen
while (ia != 5)
ebenen_bez [ebene_total] [ia] = buffer[ia+6];
//Ebenen Text in Array kopieren
ia = 0;
if (buffer_kdo[1] == 'T')
ebene_einer = buffer_kdo[3]-48;
ebene_zehner = buffer_kdo[2]-48;
ebene_total = (ebene_zehner * 10) + ebene_einer;
//Bytes Ebenentext in entsprechendes Array abfüllen
while (ia != 28)
ebenen_text [ebene_total] [ia] = buffer[ia+6];
for (i = 0; i <= 128; i++)
buffer[i] = 0;
posted on 2011/10/14 03:38:59 AM CEST
Hey everyone.
I have an elecronic card programmed by MicroC used.
I want that to be recognized as an hid mouse...
Is it possible to make it modifying descriptor file?
if it is, how can I achieve this?
Any examples will be well appreciated.
My best regards...
posted on 2011/10/07 07:23:14 AM CEST
Sorry for the strange request, but I need to create a communication protocol ps2, I would like to psatica in a mouse and a keyboard made ​​in house, but mikroBASIC only allows reading and sending data, then ask someone can help me on this little problem
posted on 2011/10/05 06:04:36 AM CEST
Communication > CAN / LIN / RS485
He do can someone make a example for the Dynamixel AX-12+ servo in mikrobasic for the pic16f887 or 16f877a , i have two of this servos but dont know how to use then , can i use the ONE-WIRE Lib
or wont that work here the datasheet of the motor .
Or can someone tell me what to use to control then. whit a pic
thanks for your reaction
posted on 2011/10/05 12:03:26 AM CEST
Does anyone have example UART commincation using PIC16F1827 (mikroC PRO for PIC) ?