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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Ranil Pushpaka

posted on 2013/08/30 05:44:14 AM CEST

Motor Control

sensored bldc motor control with pic18f2431

I am trying to write code for 3phase bldc motor control with hall effect sensors in mikroc pro for pic. my target is control speed with potentiometer including motor brake. if some one can help me really appreciated.



Jon Parkinson

posted on 2013/07/14 11:19:59 PM CEST

Motor Control

Alternating (ON/OFF) output from single switch input

I am looking for some code to control a single pushbutton input that will control an output. Upon first press and release of the pushbutton the output turns on, upon second press and release the output turns off. This output will control a relay.

I am using PIC18F87K22 with EasyPIC Pro V7.


Reza Rafiei

posted on 2013/05/13 07:50:34 AM CEST

Motor Control

BLDC sensored or sensorless motor controL


Anybody have the mikroC program for Brushless DC ( BLDC ) sensored or sensorless motor control using pic16F or 18F .

hung do hung

posted on 2013/04/18 05:43:05 AM CEST

Motor Control

rc servo controll

hello everyone
i have a project named: "dancing robot"
the project require to controll 17 rc servo to creat the action of robot .
if anyone can share experiece to solve that
i use rc: es08a by emax , and controll by pic 18f4431
i need a sample code to make it act
any support u can email me

Mohammad Hamudeh
Mohammad Hamudeh

posted on 2013/03/25 08:43:58 AM CET

Motor Control

ultrasonic Sensor

I'm working on a project for make a car stop before 10 cm from wall and i have used a 4 ultrasonic sensor and Pic 16f877a and i faced a problem how to display the distance on LCD and Stopping the car
Please help me

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