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posted on 2018/11/30 05:12:50 PM CET
Hi guys,
I'm looking for a code example for the AC Current click (PID: MIKROE-2523).
I see you have code examples but they are all in .mpkg file format that I cannot open.
The main thing I am looking for is, do I need to do any conversion on the AC reading I receive from current board. I'm currently returning a value I did not expect and am wondering if I am missing some equation that needs to applied to the value to convert to amps.
Thanks in advance!
posted on 2018/10/16 10:42:52 AM CEST
It would be great to have the Lightranger 4 click example also for for Easy PIC V7, PIC18F27K40.
posted on 2018/07/09 12:48:36 PM CEST
Hi need help with mikrobasic,
I want to read adc from usart and activate output.
-Send "R1" or "read1" from pc
-Pic16f877 read adc1
-Send back to pc
-Pc read value and if ok send "Ok"
-Pic set pin high or low
Final version i need to read all channel.
posted on 2018/04/13 10:22:26 AM CEST
posted on 2018/04/06 06:52:34 PM CEST
Hi to everyone,
someone have a simple code to read the temperature and the pressure from the sensor BMP280?