Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Majid Rehman

posted on 2015/10/01 03:42:48 PM CEST


simple counter example using PIC18f45K22

anyone can send me simple counter example using with PIC 18F45K22?

Hugo Pedersen

posted on 2015/08/19 06:39:42 AM CEST


Multiple DS1820 reading using mikroPascal for AVR

Does anyone have some example code of how to read multiple ds1820 sensors using Arduino Nano 3 ?
I need to read at least 3 sensors and display each temp on a display

The best solution would be using interrupts as these measurements are not the only job for the Arduino

I use mikroPascal for AVR

warda saeed
warda saeed

posted on 2015/07/30 07:18:10 AM CEST


C code for hall effect water flow meter

I need the C code for PIC 18F4520 microcontroller and the software that I am using is pic MicroC. Thanks

warda saeed
warda saeed

posted on 2015/07/30 07:12:04 AM CEST


Hall effect water flow meter code for PIC 18F4520

Hi!!! I am new to coding of PIC microcontroller and I urgently need code of hall effect water flow meter for PiC 18F4520 microcontroller in particular. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance :)

Shuvra Saha

posted on 2015/04/01 01:16:50 AM CEST


STM32Expansion board +STM32 Discovery board+Thermo click

Could anyone please give me an example program of temperature sensing using STM32Expansion board +STM32 Discovery board+Thermo click with K type thermo-couple.It will be helpful for me if you can provide me some sample code??I want to print the temperature reading on my pc.I am using MIKRO C pro for arm.

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