Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Mohammed Mazed Hossain

posted on 2015/12/09 11:23:37 AM CET

Timers (Real time clock)


I am using microC recently.In my code i need a small variable based delay.
ike [ Vdelay_ms ] but i need [ Vdelay_us ] can any one help me.
Thank for advance.


bandhav patel

posted on 2015/10/04 06:51:24 AM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)

avr code

i need a code for timer 0 for avr as crystal is of 16 Mhz , that give 5 volt for 50minute (on) and 10 minute off 0volt on same port say port B. for ever coninue. loop. or say endless loop.

fabio rocchi

posted on 2015/09/04 10:46:28 AM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)

DS3231 RTC Module for PIc 16F & Mikrobasic pro

Hi , I would like to use the DS 3231 RTC module with a Pic 16F876 or similar with Mikrobasic Pro , but no experience on i2c RTC's.
Is any existing library adaptable , or perhaps a simple code extract on how initalize , write and read time from DS3231 ?

Thank you all .


fazıl duman

posted on 2015/08/15 09:56:16 PM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)

RTC Alarm Configuration for ARM

Hello, is there a precoded work for RTCC - Alarm Configuration for STM32,


naili mourad
naili mourad

posted on 2015/07/14 07:01:15 AM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)


i want clock code use pic 16f877a and ds1307 and lm35 with 7segment micro c bro plz

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