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posted on 2012/06/09 10:06:17 AM CEST
Hello, im quite new in μPascal (i have made a lot simple projects with LCDs, GLCDs, Serials and one with USB on PIC18F4550)...
I Need an example code to learn how to control AD8951 with PIC16F887. I want to make a DDS Generator with 2hrs sweep (for a Rife machine for cancer's treatment, if you want information contact me)
thank you in advance, Andrew Mihelis
posted on 2012/01/27 12:32:18 PM CET
it would be great if someone could do MCP79410 code. I don't know what I am doing wrong but I cannot make my own code, it does not work.
posted on 2011/10/15 03:48:07 AM CEST
Hello.I want to write an interrupt so that at every 5 seconds goes to one of the 3 different
labels in my Main program and runs all instructions followed by each labels
and after run the label3 back again to the label1 and repeat all those
labels endlessly,that is;
........... //*** My circuit specifications; PIC18F8722,XTAL=20MHZ.
void interrupt(){ // 5 seconds interrupt.
????? //At each 5 seconds just goes and runs
//one of labels and do the other one then
//reapeat those again and again,endlessly.
void main(){
Would you please help me to write that interrupt?
posted on 2011/09/28 12:21:41 PM CEST
Hello.Pardon me,I forgot to write my PIC clock;I used a 20MHZ crystal;XTAL=20MHZ and
want to measure 1usec up to 1sec.
posted on 2011/09/28 08:44:01 AM CEST
Hello.I want to active and ON a timer like TIMER1 of PIC 18F8722 in my main program and whenever I applied a positive going pulse input to pin RB2/INT2 of that PIC, then the TIMER1 turns off immidiately and calculate the time interval
passed between TIMER1turned ON and turned OFF in usec ,msec or sec. .The range of time is from 1usec up to 1 sec.
Would you please give me the above code?