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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Rags BR

posted on 2021/03/16 09:29:44 AM CET

Communication > CAN / LIN / RS485

MCP2517FD C code for transmitting and receiving between Renesas MCU

Requesting to provide a simple C code which handles transmission and reception of FD data with different bit rate setting with Renesas MCU.

Sasa Dimitrijevic

posted on 2021/02/15 11:10:40 AM CET

Graphics & LCD

OLED C click example for STM32 Clicker 2

Please provide example for MicroC for ARM, board is Clicker 2 STM32.
Or advise which board to use with OLED

Donald Grammens

posted on 2021/02/13 05:40:31 AM CET

Motor Control

Mikromedia+ for PIC32MX7/Shield - Stepper Motor Control

I've found all kinds of examples/codes in Libstock for all the hardware found on MM+ for PIC32MX7. However, I can't find anything on the site for coding a Click Board on the MM+ for PIC32MX7/Shield (mikroC Pro for PIC32).

I'm trying to use the Stepper 10 Click on the shield for bipolar motors to control metal lathes and milling machines.
User control would be through the TFT display on the MM+.

Any example of any click that interfaces through an I2C connection would be of great help.



posted on 2020/12/21 08:47:43 PM CET

Click Boards > HMI

PID AUTOTUNE library for FTDI mikromedia HMI 7" Cap

I need PID AUTO TUNE(temperature Control) library for my project . there is no library in LIBSTOCK., So some one kindly help me for the code. there is final stage in my project...

Pratyush Sethi

posted on 2020/12/19 02:14:36 PM CET

Click Boards

heartrate 5 click code

i am using heartrate 5 click board with nrf52840 and successfully done porting the code. i am getting raw data values from functions shown below:
1.heartrate5_getLed2val( void )
2.heartrate5_getAled2val_led3val( void )
3.heartrate5_getLed1val( void )
4.heartrate5_getAled1val( void )
5.heartrate5_getLed2_aled2val( void )
6.heartrate5_getLed1_aled1val( void )

can you please the calculation how to get heart rate, oximeter values from that raw data.

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