Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Chedy bouguezzi

posted on 2025/02/19 02:46:04 PM CET

Storage > microSD

MMC exFAT Library

I am using a 64GB SD Card (exFAT Format), I need a library to save my data in txt files under different directory.
Thank you in advance.

Neha Kawadkar

posted on 2024/12/17 07:11:13 AM CET


PWR Meter 3 90A Click Board Libstock library package

I am using pwr meter 3 click board in my test application. However in libstock I find only pwr meter click and pwr meter 2 can be seen. I am not able to locate the library for pwr meter 3 click board on libstock library. Can anyone please share the library for pwr meter 3 click 90A board.


posted on 2024/12/06 02:30:36 PM CET


Base Framework STM32F407VGT + freeRTOS + internal ETH + MbedTLS + MQTT

Hi, I am struggling to figure out how to setup this configuration with an MQTT client running with freeRTOS, using the integrated ethernet MAC and with MbedTLS. I am using mikroC PRO for ARM v.6.2.0

Any hint or help would be appreciated


posted on 2024/11/04 09:37:57 AM CET

Interface > SPI

SPI for Newhaven LCD Display

Hi All,
I am working on SPI for Newhaven lcd display and I cannot get it to work.
I am using a NHD-0220D3Z-NSW-BBW-V3 display on PIC16F886.
Appreciate if someone can help me with this.

Klaus Wehnert

posted on 2024/09/12 09:33:46 PM CEST

Graphics & LCD

PIC18f45K22 with ILI9341+SD card


I need some supprt with MicroC.
PIC18F45K22 and ILI9341 with SD card slot
How can I read a picture from SD card and show it on screen?

Thank you very much in advance.

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