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posted on 2012/11/22 12:58:06 PM CET
Anyone please upload the example code for ARM STM32F controller.Urgent please help..
Thanks in Advance
posted on 2012/11/13 01:10:47 PM CET
pls i am new in writing program, pls can any one help with code on mikrobasic to interface 74hcl595 with pic16f628a or scrolling message using both ic on 8x8 dot matrix
posted on 2012/11/11 08:58:02 AM CET
i've purchased lv18fj development board and i've tried example provided with compiler, it works but only when i connect board directly with my PC. but when i try to connect both things with router, it doesn't work, board never gets IP from dhcp server.
so please provide some example for DHCP, board has PIC18f87j60a and 25MHz crystal.
posted on 2012/11/11 06:13:11 AM CET
posted on 2012/11/09 10:27:23 AM CET
What I'd like to do is to get a potentiometer reading and look at it live and store it on my PC. I don't even know if this is possible using UART. I've been trying to do this on the EasyPIC7 prototype board with no luck. I'd be open to use another communication method so long as it gets the job done.