Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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hugo castro

posted on 2015/12/31 07:27:54 AM CET

Communication > Light control

leds control

we need information to control leds in scrooling

Adrian Ponce de Leon

posted on 2015/12/28 07:45:12 PM CET


ETH WIZ for mikroPascal

How can I use the ETH WIZ board click in mikroPAscal compiler????

Ashraf Rateb

posted on 2015/12/23 05:56:48 PM CET


PMP library

Dear All,

Any Idea where I can fined 8 bits parallel master port driver/library,
I need to interface Samsung NAND flash with dsp pic33f.

Thanks in advance.

ezhil valavan r

posted on 2015/12/17 11:11:16 AM CET

Graphics & LCD

interfacing LCD with pic 16f616

Dear all,
I tried to interface LCD with pic16f616 but I am not getting any display using mikroc pro for pic. But works well with 16f883. Program code is less than .5k only. Is it not possible to write code for LCD with mikroc pro using 4 bit library for this chip?.

Guido Biosca

posted on 2015/12/16 03:45:26 PM CET

Communication > Bluetooth®

Bluetooth 4.0 RSSI

I need to integrate a Beaglebone to sniff RSSI (and MAC) from BLE (Bluetooth 4.0)
I see the devices: BLE P CLick and Click Shield are available to the Beaglebone processor.

So I'm looking a developer to code this integration:
- Bleaglebone Black
- BLE P Click (includes nRF , I hope master BLE device)


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