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posted on 2015/04/18 02:15:32 PM CEST
hey guys, im looking for a code, in C or Assembly Language, to control a simple DC Motor using a SIM900 GSM module,
IC: PIC18F4550, motor Driver, L293D
posted on 2015/04/15 04:21:42 PM CEST
If someone could assist me with a code example for using a 20x4 LCD on I2C bus on a small PIC16 I'd appreciate it. I can't find examples of this anywhere.
posted on 2015/04/13 02:52:28 PM CEST
I am trying to get UART and I2C work on PIC16F1618 and PIC16F1708, one at a time.
I could not get it working on pic16f1618, so I tried on pic16f1708. but couldn't get it working on that either.
I have worked on hardware uart with pic18f45k22..
I need sample code for hardware UART, hardware I2C and software I2C.
I am using "MikroC for PIC", which has all the libraries built in, but somehow they aren't working for me., or I am doing something wrong this time. I got software UART working, but not hardware UART, hardware I2C and software I2C.
Also, I don't know how to use "remappable" functions.
I will be very grateful if someone can post a sample code for the above mentioned PICs.
posted on 2015/04/13 10:20:47 AM CEST
I am currently on the choice of a programming software for a business. MikroPascal is currently on track to be used. However, we need a preemptive RTOS. We currently find the Librairy schedulers_PIC32 but this OS is not preemptive.
would you currently working on that ?
We can, however, use mikroC if the library is developing on this software.
posted on 2015/04/07 11:04:50 AM CEST
I'm trying to make code for HOST-USB(CDC-ACM) for PIC32.
If any-good person already knew about that,
Please help me.