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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Bazz Guptil

posted on 2015/04/18 02:15:32 PM CEST

Motor Control

GSM Based DC Motor Control

hey guys, im looking for a code, in C or Assembly Language, to control a simple DC Motor using a SIM900 GSM module,
IC: PIC18F4550, motor Driver, L293D


Scott Caskey

posted on 2015/04/15 04:21:42 PM CEST

Graphics & LCD

C code for I2C 20X4 LCD with PIC16F1826

If someone could assist me with a code example for using a 20x4 LCD on I2C bus on a small PIC16 I'd appreciate it. I can't find examples of this anywhere.


Jaskaran Singh

posted on 2015/04/13 02:52:28 PM CEST

Internal MCU modules

hardware UART and hardware/software IC2 on PIC16F1618/PIC16F1708

I am trying to get UART and I2C work on PIC16F1618 and PIC16F1708, one at a time.
I could not get it working on pic16f1618, so I tried on pic16f1708. but couldn't get it working on that either.
I have worked on hardware uart with pic18f45k22..
I need sample code for hardware UART, hardware I2C and software I2C.
I am using "MikroC for PIC", which has all the libraries built in, but somehow they aren't working for me., or I am doing something wrong this time. I got software UART working, but not hardware UART, hardware I2C and software I2C.
Also, I don't know how to use "remappable" functions.

I will be very grateful if someone can post a sample code for the above mentioned PICs.


nicolas uriac

posted on 2015/04/13 10:20:47 AM CEST

Other Codes

preemptive RTOS for MikroPacal or MikroC for PIC32

I am currently on the choice of a programming software for a business. MikroPascal is currently on track to be used. However, we need a preemptive RTOS. We currently find the Librairy schedulers_PIC32 but this OS is not preemptive.
would you currently working on that ?
We can, however, use mikroC if the library is developing on this software.

Seong Ho Park

posted on 2015/04/07 11:04:50 AM CEST

Communication > USB

USB CDC ACM sample code

I'm trying to make code for HOST-USB(CDC-ACM) for PIC32.
If any-good person already knew about that,
Please help me.


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