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posted on 2013/12/07 10:00:39 PM CET
I have to purchase EasyPic FUSION v7.
Impossible had the display with the examples provided with the kit.
I have a TFTHD8347D. The screen is blank, the program is transferred
The MCU is P24EP512GU810.
All examples are compiled for P24EP512GU810.
I hope there is a solution, it's been over a week I try to run this!!!
Thank you in advance for your help.
posted on 2013/12/05 09:17:26 PM CET
posted on 2013/12/03 07:49:39 AM CET
posted on 2013/12/02 07:37:10 PM CET
Have anyone routines for using nRF C click with AVR for mPascal?
posted on 2013/12/02 08:51:18 AM CET
Good day
I would like to use the Mikroelekronika PLC board to convert it into a toll controller.
the board should control about 4 boom gates when the controller presses the go button. the system should be able to count the numebers of vehicles.
My problem is, how can the system be able to count the different categories of vehicles, like mini bus, small cars, trucks, moto bikes?
Thank you, the code should preferably be in mikroC pro for PIC