Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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vignesh p

posted on 2013/10/18 02:49:10 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

Vrms,Irms, Power factor measurement

hi all. i need code for rms voltage,rms current and power factor measurement using LCD display.. kindly send a source code for
Mikroc Pro for PIC

Gururaj Krishnappa

posted on 2013/10/16 10:31:20 AM CEST

Other Codes

Sine wave generator

Sine wave generator for pure sinewave inverter with feedback

Rajib Das

posted on 2013/10/13 06:01:49 PM CEST

Graphics & LCD > LCD

Mikro c code for LM016L LCD with PIC18f452

RD0 -> LcdD4,
RD1 -> LcdD5,
RD2 -> LcdD6,
RD3 -> LcdD7,
RD4 -> Rs,
RD6 -> En

Carlos Castro

posted on 2013/10/12 07:08:22 AM CEST


Smart card

Hi, I'm trying to access a Smart Card - SLE4428. I'm seeking an example of the code for PIC


Michael Schuckel

posted on 2013/10/08 08:11:18 AM CEST

Power supply

ECCP configuration for half bridge mode: Example?

Hello I am attempting to setup the ECCP Module on an 18F25K80. I need to have 70Khz output in Half Bridge Mode. The dead time needs to be 5-6 us. I will live with whatever PWM Resolution I can get at this point.

Can anyone help me get the setup figured out.



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