Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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asma alekar

posted on 2013/08/13 03:29:58 AM CEST

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how to install FT800 library

hello everyone....can anyone plz tell me the procedure to how to install ft800 library in mikro c compiler from libstock site....but the file extension is .mpkg and when i added it to the uses folder it is not getting update...plz reply..its urgent

asma alekar

posted on 2013/08/12 05:06:19 AM CEST

asma alekar

posted on 2013/08/12 02:16:51 AM CEST

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how to start ft800 eve breakout board

hello everyone....i am new with dis board.actually its not a development board...i have a p18f4520 dev board and pickit2 compiler & i want to interface ft800 eve breakout board....can anyone tell me is it possible to do the interfacing with all these thing i have.....

vando ngo

posted on 2013/07/30 01:45:01 PM CEST

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help soft uart for arm

i want to use orther pin in soft Uart code.but not work.this code:

char i, error, byte_read; // Auxiliary variables

void main(){
error = Soft_UART_Init(&GPIOA_ODR, 7, 6, 9600, 0); // Initialize Soft UART at 56000 bps
if (error > 0) {
GPIOD_ODR = error; // Signalize Init error
while(1); // Stop program

{ // Endless loop
// Send bytes from 'z' downto 'A'

byte_read = Soft_UART_Read(&error); // Read byte, then test error flag
if (error) // If error was detected
GPIOD_ODR = error; // signal it on PORTD
//Soft_UART_Write(byte_read); // If error was not detected, return byte read

Uart1 is hard uart.

Santosh Kumar

posted on 2013/07/23 02:39:38 AM CEST

Other Codes

#include library for microc pro for pic

Dear all,
I am just started learning PIC programming using microc pro for pic
During compilation one of the program, compiler showed error: Can't open include file "display_utils.h" #include "Display_utils.h" 1 error in preprocessor.

Please help me to get all #include library for microc pro for pic.

Thanks and Regards
Santosh Kumar

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