Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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gennaro padula

posted on 2012/06/07 11:48:48 AM CEST

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library for tlc5940

prejudice, it would be possible to manage a library of integrated tlc5940, since it is not very easy to develop a library for this device, Would You like us only the help of experts like you

janaki paramashivan

posted on 2012/04/28 01:23:57 AM CEST

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example with more then one push button

i m using 5 buttons ... but only one is getting detected so i need an example which has more than one button for better understanding ....................

Sven Salbach

posted on 2012/04/10 10:41:12 AM CEST

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Sort Library

I need often a Sort library like bubble sort or better.
I need it to sort from highest to lowest fields and second palce, and third so that I know what is the biigest field.
If I have
A 2

Then I need to know if 1 is the first, from where it was..
I don't use one...I need onde from Variable A or something

Bahman Mohammadhoseini

posted on 2012/04/04 03:30:36 AM CEST

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practical notes on how to show a signal wave on a GLCD/LCD??!!

Post subject: Practical notes & Theory on showing a signal on a LCD??!!Posted: 04 Apr 2012 10:51

Hello,everybody.Would you please tell me where I can find articles

about the theory and practical notes on how to show a signal wave

[ like as a sinusoidal or a squarewave]

on a T6963C GLCD or HD44780 LCD?


Filip Zavadil

posted on 2011/11/06 07:11:11 AM CET

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ps2 mouse using PIC16F628A

Hallo there,

does anybody know, how to control a PS2 mouse in mikroC language using PIC16F628A ? I searched the libstock, and there are only 2 mikropascal solution :-(

Thanks in advance.

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