Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Mohammed Mazed Hossain

posted on 2016/05/24 07:59:10 AM CEST


PIC16F877A Bootloader 20MHz

Hi There

I need a Boot loader for PIC16F877A which run on 20MHz and MikroC.
looking for help.Any one here interested to work on this ?

Thanks a lot


Igor Morkovin

posted on 2016/05/21 10:56:12 AM CEST


microPascal example interrupt handler for RxTx (USART)

Hi all!
I need microPascal example interrupt handler for RxTx (USART). My Board is STM32100RB6 (VlDiscavery)

Amol Jamble

posted on 2016/04/28 10:58:24 AM CEST


Need help to complete code for I2C DAC.

Hi please help me to complete this code , I am new to PIC.

//Controller : Pic18f4585

void Put_dac(int address, int dac_data)



void Get_adc(int address, int adc)





Put_dac(1,20000); it sends dac address and voltage in decimal
Get_adc(2,ADC); ADC is variable to store adc value


Richard G

posted on 2016/04/11 09:26:29 PM CEST


Arduino Mega 2560 Shield + RS485, Oled B Click, and 4-20ma Current Loop

Have an Arduino Mega 2560 with the MikroBus click shield attached. 4-20mA T Click in slot 1, OLED B Click in Slot 2, and RS485 in slot 3.

I would like to have this Arduino send a query string through the RS485 and parse the response string into variables. These variables would be displayed on the OLED B Click and transmitted through the 4-20mA current loop. Documentation and examples for the Arduino IDE are pretty slim at the moment.

Willing to pay for code.

pat eff

posted on 2016/03/21 03:36:12 PM CET


density based traffic light system

can any one help with code density based traffic light system using pic16f877a if i need pay i will do that

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