Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Nelo O

posted on 2015/10/21 09:36:46 PM CEST

sanjay gharat

posted on 2015/09/18 09:14:53 AM CEST

Communication > USB


Dear sir,

i hav easy mxpro7 arm STM32F107 kit,have a USB_OTG.
so i want to program it but i don't know how to program USB_OTG to connect extenal pendrive.
and save data in text file


posted on 2015/09/18 05:48:00 AM CEST



i am trying to send data from my pic16f876a with si4421 or any other si44xx. Is there any library or sample code to help me understand how it is done?

Thank you in advance.

patrick egesa

posted on 2015/09/16 11:53:05 AM CEST


dspic33 micro c 16bit SPI communication

i would like to interface the hall effect current sensor from micro electronika.the current sensor uses 16 bit communication SPI ,i have tried with 8 SPI bit communication it works by sending only 8 bits , but if i try 16 bit communication i receive nothing from the sensor.
please assist

Thái Trường Thi

posted on 2015/09/15 09:57:11 AM CEST

Communication > CAN / LIN / RS485

CAN communication between two arm STM32F103

Hi everybody..!
I'm a newbier. I would like to make CAN communication between two Arm STM32F103. I use sample code CAN of micro pro for arm but it can't work. Anybody can help me..?

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