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posted on 2015/08/29 10:31:59 PM CEST
I need a library of the finger scanner gt511-c1. If someone could help me with a library in C for mikroC i will be pleasure. PS. I am still learning english so my english isn't very well...
posted on 2015/08/28 01:31:42 PM CEST
I am looking for a routine that lets a 18f2520, programmed as a SPI slave with SS enabled to output a frame of 8 bytes to a master processor.
The master first turns SS low and then sends 8 bursts of 8 clock cycles to the slave to read the bytes, after which SS is turned high again.
I can write a single byte, thats not a problem but need help with outputting a frame of 8 bytes.
Any pro programmer who can help me?
posted on 2015/08/07 09:15:32 AM CEST
Hie. Can someone help me with a network module that can send and receive data as well. I'm creating a project that has two separate circuits that should communicate wirelessly. There should be data transmission to and fro those circuits.
posted on 2015/08/07 09:15:31 AM CEST
Hie. Can someone help me with a network module that can send and receive data as well. I'm creating a project that has two separate circuits that should communicate wirelessly. There should be data transmission to and fro those circuits.
posted on 2015/08/07 09:15:26 AM CEST
Hie. Can someone help me with a network module that can send and receive data as well. I'm creating a project that has two separate circuits that should communicate wirelessly. There should be data transmission to and fro those circuits.