We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2024/02/05 12:07:09 PM CET
Chirp Z transform to dspic33 microcontrollers family in microbasic.
posted on 2024/02/05 12:04:58 PM CET
Inverse Fourier Transform library for dspi33 family of microcontrollers in Basic.
posted on 2024/01/20 01:13:44 PM CET
I would like to read out a 10K ntc in the range of 0 to 50 degrees with the stm32f030 with microc arm.
Since I've NEVER done this before, I need an example...
Thank you
posted on 2024/01/16 05:49:19 PM CET
I need help with getting the UV 5 click to run on arduino. I'm building a field portable UV meter that runs on either a mega or unor4 ( uno r4 preferred)
I have the click shields but cannot get measurements to render correctly. I just keep getting zeros back.
Thank you,
posted on 2023/12/20 05:29:25 AM CET
Dear Sir or Madam,
I recently downloaded the example code for a Mikromedia 4 HMI project for MikroC and PICMZ, but some files for gesture are missing. Could you kindly provide these or show where to find them?