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posted on 2019/08/22 05:44:51 PM CEST
I am using PIC18F45k22, RTD Click and DAC Click. I managed to execute the example code successfully on EasyPIC7 board. Now my aim is to merge the two example code and pass the RTD value (0-250) to DAC click (0-4095), so that I can have RTD reading in terms of a Voltage output. PIC18F45k22 act as the master to relay this operation.
To begin with, I merged ADC click and DAC click and it worked well.
however, when when I merge RTD and DAC, RTD does not seem to give me correct temperature reading. Code below is the RTD Click example with DAC click header includes and also microbus2 definition under systemInit(). This prints wrong temperature readings (way off the expected values). once I remove the microbus2 definition, it works well.
Could you please help on this
#include "Click_RTD_types.h"
#include "Click_RTD_config.h"
#include "Click_DAC_types.h"
#include "Click_DAC_config.h"
void systemInit()
mikrobus_gpioInit( _MIKROBUS1, _MIKROBUS_CS_PIN, _GPIO_OUTPUT );
mikrobus_spiInit( _MIKROBUS1, &_RTD_SPI_CFG[0] );
mikrobus_gpioInit( _MIKROBUS2, _MIKROBUS_CS_PIN, _GPIO_OUTPUT );
mikrobus_spiInit( _MIKROBUS2, &_DAC_SPI_CFG[0] );
mikrobus_logInit( _LOG_USBUART, 9600 );
Delay_ms( 100 );
void applicationInit()
rtd_spiDriverInit( (T_RTD_P)&_MIKROBUS1_GPIO, (T_RTD_P)&_MIKROBUS1_SPI );
rtd_writeRegister(_RTD_CONFIGURATION, 0xD0);
void applicationTask()
uint16_t readValue;
float convertedValue;
char testTxt [20];
char testTxt1 [20];
readValue = rtd_readTemperature();
convertedValue = rtd_convertTemperature(readValue, _RTD_REF_RESISTANCE_470);
floatToStr(readValue, testTxt1);
floatToStr(convertedValue, testTxt);
mikrobus_logWrite("Current temperature: ", _LOG_TEXT );
mikrobus_logWrite(testTxt, _LOG_LINE );
mikrobus_logWrite("Voltage: ", _LOG_TEXT );
mikrobus_logWrite(testTxt1, _LOG_LINE );
void main()
while (1)
posted on 2019/08/16 04:58:31 PM CEST
I'm using Mikroc 7.5, In predefined FAT32 library there's a function,
FAT32_FindFirst(__DIR *pDE);
I don't know how to use this function, I need example code for this ???
posted on 2019/08/01 12:49:32 PM CEST
i want to join elecnote.blogspote.com. please help me.
posted on 2019/07/31 11:45:15 PM CEST
I want to browse elecnote.blogspot.com , what can i do ? please help me .
posted on 2019/07/31 11:37:38 PM CEST