Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Milan Kratochvil

posted on 2019/01/18 01:02:43 PM CET

Other Codes


Example and library to MikroPascal for ARM how to read IR pictures from Flir Leptons?

Scott Henry

posted on 2019/01/15 02:59:10 AM CET

Other Codes

NRF24L01 for ARM

NRF24L01 for ARM driver/library

Milan Kratochvil

posted on 2019/01/09 10:32:39 AM CET


Grid-EYE Click Library

Do you have any library for Grid-EYE Click for use it in MikroPascal AVR and ARM compilers?
On the Click product page is example in MikroPascal which needs functions:
which are not enclosed nowhere.
Thank you.

Shiva Kumar Reddy Kothuru

posted on 2018/12/14 12:52:32 PM CET

Other Codes

Using RC0 and RC1 as digital output pins of PIC18F87K22

Hello folks,

I would like to set my pins RC0 and RC1 as digital outputs but cannot use them as digital outputs after setting the below config.
#pragma config SOSCSEL = DIG
CCP2CON = 0;

I searched some blogs where everyone used this library "xc.h", I am not using this library for my application.

any help for my issue is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

Ed Anderson

posted on 2018/12/04 03:16:46 PM CET


PIC32MX795F512L USB MSD (Thumbwheel) Bootloader Needed

While my use of the USB HID Bootloader for my world wide customers has worked fine, I would like to have a USB Flash/Thumbwheel/pen drive capability to upgrade my products software to preclude the customer needing to carry a laptop to the vehicle my Electronic Ignition Monitor is installed in. Despite months of effort and some progress, I have finally had to admit the bootloader development skills/knowledge required is beyond me.

My custom board is USB OTG capable and currently I can read in and parse IntelHex format code and convert the Ascii hex format to binary. That is as far as I have gotten. The vector jumps and address locations required combined with the virtual and physical addressing just confuse me.

I would prefer the code to be in MikroPascal but can cope with it in C. The firmware would need to be installed using all the 12KB bootload reserved memory and then additional flash memory as required. The firmware would take 2-5 seconds to :
1. Determine that a Flash Drive has been inserted into the micro B socket
2. Query the files on the Flash Drive to match/ID a file with the proper file name as an application to be loaded
3. If 1 and 2 are satisfied then to activate the bootloaders download, convert and write to flashmemory
4. if 1 and 2 are NOT satisfied then to jump from bootloader to application firmware already loaded
5. One pin output (an LED on PORTB.RB13) will activate when condition 3 is met and will remain on during the download
6. If for some reason the bootloader is unable to proceed then to activate the LED in a blinking pattern.
7. Must not required a linking script as my MikroPascal compiler only provides the IntelHex file of the application
8. The file format should be FAT32 and standard IntelHex format for the PIC32
9. Should not require custom libraries but should use the Mikro provided ones

Additional information can be provided on requirements and custom board if needed.



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