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posted on 2017/08/23 05:10:58 PM CEST
I can't get a standard tcp/ip listner to work on the STM32f7, all examples use web server, not a basic tcp/ip listener.
Any help or example is welcome
posted on 2017/08/22 03:04:15 AM CEST
Am most delighted to be on this platform, am working on a project based on temperature controlled fan. am finding it difficult to write a correct code that controls the speed of the fan with increase in temperature. the temperature should be displayed on an LCD. i will be pleased if you will help me with the coding for both pic and AVR. thanks.
posted on 2017/08/05 12:24:37 PM CEST
i Need a sample Code for the M24C02 eeprom for microc arm.
posted on 2017/07/27 11:45:17 AM CEST
Is there anyone who worked with ADS1115 ADC (I2C based ) with PIC16f877a microcontroller.
posted on 2017/06/21 12:44:09 PM CEST
Is there a difference nor trick?
I could not adapt the code that worked on P16F46K22.