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posted on 2017/10/15 04:14:12 PM CEST
I am using PIC16F877 to implement communication with a PC. I want a code in C language to execute the following tasks:
(1) To password it to prevent unauthorized access.
(2) To use a key on the 4x4 keypad to display more than one character. For example, key 1 to able display Number "1" and Letter "E", "F" and "G".
I need the code in C language to execute the two task above.
posted on 2017/09/22 01:31:51 PM CEST
i need to read ttl pulses on int0,int1,int2. and uart interupt in same code
so please tell me how to set the priority of these interrupt
posted on 2017/09/21 03:24:39 PM CEST
I want to control the ac power with pic16f877a.(2000w ir lamp brightness) .please give me some helping diagram and source code.thanks
posted on 2017/09/14 03:20:54 PM CEST
i m new to visual TFT . i want to interface 7 inches TFT 800x480 with ssd1963 controller. i m using PIC32MX795F512L. my hardware is as similar to multimedia plus for pic32mx. i try as given sample code for 5" display. it is working but when i try with 7" 800x480 visual tft shown error "'TFT' is not a valid integer value." still generate code. with that TFT is turn on and fill screen nothing else . anyone can help?
posted on 2017/09/12 06:13:12 PM CEST
Hi all the PIC guru's, out there I. would someone please guide me to the P10 (1R) LED matrix display.
i would like to use it as signage for my company.
A sample code would sure help me on my way.
I have seen many reviews and examples for the Arduino but not for PIC.
Many king thank you's in advance