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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Adamu Abubakar

posted on 2017/10/15 04:14:12 PM CEST

Audio & Speech


I am using PIC16F877 to implement communication with a PC. I want a code in C language to execute the following tasks:

(1) To password it to prevent unauthorized access.
(2) To use a key on the 4x4 keypad to display more than one character. For example, key 1 to able display Number "1" and Letter "E", "F" and "G".

I need the code in C language to execute the two task above.

prashant chauhan

posted on 2017/09/22 01:31:51 PM CEST

Motor Control

use of peripheral and external interrupt in a same program

i need to read ttl pulses on int0,int1,int2. and uart interupt in same code
so please tell me how to set the priority of these interrupt

Vinay Hegde

posted on 2017/09/21 03:24:39 PM CEST

Power supply

AC 220v 50 hz power Control Help requried

I want to control the ac power with pic16f877a.(2000w ir lamp brightness) .please give me some helping diagram and source code.thanks

Dina Patel

posted on 2017/09/14 03:20:54 PM CEST

Graphics & LCD > TFT

need code to interface TFT 7 inches 800x480 (ssd1963) with pic32mx

i m new to visual TFT . i want to interface 7 inches TFT 800x480 with ssd1963 controller. i m using PIC32MX795F512L. my hardware is as similar to multimedia plus for pic32mx. i try as given sample code for 5" display. it is working but when i try with 7" 800x480 visual tft shown error "'TFT' is not a valid integer value." still generate code. with that TFT is turn on and fill screen nothing else . anyone can help?

Trevor Dawes

posted on 2017/09/12 06:13:12 PM CEST

Graphics & LCD

P10 (1R) LED matrix

Hi all the PIC guru's, out there I. would someone please guide me to the P10 (1R) LED matrix display.
i would like to use it as signage for my company.
A sample code would sure help me on my way.
I have seen many reviews and examples for the Arduino but not for PIC.

Many king thank you's in advance

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