Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Devang Sankhala

posted on 2014/08/30 07:16:15 AM CEST

Motor Control

More customization for PWM libraries

All libraries require customization as far as bridge mode PWM is concerned. Please provide additional functions to configure the half bridge or full bridge mode of PWM for controllers like PIC16F1939.

joao carmo

posted on 2014/08/28 05:35:15 PM CEST

Motor Control

AD transform in time and use as delay (pic 18f4550)

hello am beginner and need to transform the value of an AD pin (connected by a potentiometer) in time and use as delay in my program

Gennaro padula

posted on 2014/08/23 07:03:13 AM CEST

Internal MCU modules

frequency counter with smt module of pic16f1613

hi I need some examples on how to measure the frequency of one or more signals using the form smt of pic16f1613, nn, and more than a 24-bit counter, and allows a much more precise than the old method when used timer0 and timer1

Steve Drinkald

posted on 2014/08/19 05:26:14 AM CEST


Arduino Code for 4-20mA R/T Click Board

I'm new here and am looking for sample code to allow me to communicate using SPI with my 4-20mA R Click and 4-20mA T Click modules that I have recently purchased. I've downloaded the sample 8x8 matrix code, but this doesn't seem to have the specifics needed for communication with my R/T Click boards.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Steve Reberger
Steve Reberger

posted on 2014/08/18 12:59:15 PM CEST


UART star type network

Hi. I am trying to develop a start type network system via 433mhz radio transceivers.
It wil be used to control traffic lights and receive button press for corners and start line of a kart track.
It will also send diaplay data to some LED 2 digit displays.

I am using PIC 8 bit micros

Some code ideas or examples would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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