We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2014/02/27 10:52:08 PM CET
posted on 2014/02/25 12:41:18 PM CET
Hello all
I'm trying to write code for reading brain waves of neurosky
Does anyone have a code in mikroc for pic18f45k22 in Protocol uart ?
Thank you very much for the help
posted on 2014/02/24 12:32:14 PM CET
i want to develop this project with pic18f4550 and MPXV5050GP i facing the problem on programming on i.e. calibrating the sensor so can anyone help me
I used PIN AN0 and AN1 as input signal and LCD pins are connected to D port
posted on 2014/02/23 04:21:06 AM CET
I am new to Libstock and the MikroC... I started using it for my senior design project ... my project is about Automatic Irrigation Systems where I use the PIC16877A to control the whole process. I am using the DS18B20 Temperature sensor and the SEN0114 Moisture sensor (http://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/Moisture_Sensor_(SKU:SEN0114))... There is a problem in the moisture sensor.. it is arduino compatible and I dont know what is arduino... I want some one to help me in creating the the libraries as in how to read and write from the DS18B20 ... also if someone can help me in the SEN0114 problem i would be greatful.
Thanks All,
Hamzah Ghanem
posted on 2014/02/19 02:42:34 AM CET
everyone, I need to run two timers AT A TIME when I press the Joystick (up), but with different times (SETTINGS) in a timer I turn on LED0 (RA0) and the other timer the led1 (RA1), I have the plate PIC32MX7 development.Thanks