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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Sadat Hussain

posted on 2014/05/29 07:57:44 AM CEST


SHT21 example in mikrobasic pro for pic

Dear, I need code for interfacing SHT21 in mikrobasic pro for pic

tarik ahitos

posted on 2014/05/23 05:15:31 PM CEST




i need code that can help to understand the ADC with choice of Frequency oscillator and how to chose the coeeficient of Tad by two way pleas:
1-wethout using function Read_ADC()
2-with using function ADC_read
i have tried the two method with different oscillator frequency and using datasheet but it's didn't work and i had problem with Tad and didn't work on simulation
thank you very much

tan nguyen

posted on 2014/05/21 05:07:35 PM CEST



I am taking a project "Tracking device using Wi-Fi based solution". The hardware include PIC24FJ256GB106 and Wi-Fi module MRF24WB0MA. I have a problem with the connection between laptop and PIC24F. So everybody can help me to solve this problem. Tks all !
p/s If having a source code is better. ^^

Anant Mitra

posted on 2014/05/20 06:47:49 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

writing and reading of internal flash memory during Runtime

I am using mikromedia for pic32 development board. I want to save a data in Internal flash memory permanently during the runtime so it can be used even when board will restart.

I also want to fetch this data during runtime when required

Hence i require a code for writing data in internal flash memory and reading it later on. writing the data is storage of data in EEPROM

Andrew Mihelis

posted on 2014/05/17 12:55:25 PM CEST

Audio & Speech

MikroPascal/MikroC example and Library for Audio Class Usb

Is there anyone that could help me to make an Audio Class Usb project for Pic18f4550/2550? What i need is a library OR a helping .mpas / .h file and an example of descriptor!

Thank you very very much in advance!

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