Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Janos Szenasi

posted on 2011/10/28 06:49:29 AM CEST

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Capacitive touch sense with PIC18F452

I would like to build an capacitive touch board with 8 button ,but I can't do that!
Could you help me ?
Thank you!

coskun kazma

posted on 2011/10/20 06:05:06 AM CEST

Other Codes

UART interrupt

Dear Sir,

EUSART interrupt, I have written below lines

PIR1.RC1IF = 1;
PIE1.RC1IE = 1 ;

But still EUSART interrupt does not work. U have any idea. Also may my mistake be in project setup

Pierre Edouard

posted on 2011/08/31 05:55:20 AM CEST

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TLC 5940 Library

I'm working on a project using TLC5940 (from TexasInstrument) to control many leds (3 x 64 RGB leds = 192).
I found on arduino system, a library to control theses TLC5940.

Does it exist a similar library for PicBasic PRO?
If no, does somebody able to develop this library? I'm sure, that can interest many people.

Thanks for your answer and have a good day.

This subjet has already been proposer in mikroElek forum here :

marcel nijssen
marcel n

posted on 2011/08/23 05:48:53 PM CEST

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more ccp examples whit a capture and compare

Hi i have a question i have mb 5.01 and there is a example whit the ccp module to make a pwm generator , but there is no example for the ccp capure mode and ccp compare mode to see how thats works , so my question can there make some examples of them whit a input to compare and capure , thank you for your help. and how i can use the srf05 ultrasonic range finder in to basic ,

thanks for you reactions


posted on 2011/08/20 10:43:27 AM CEST

Other Codes

printer interface with USB without using pc

printer shall be interfaced with usb using pic18f based embedded system. Normal text printing is ok can any body suggest the method how to go about

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