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posted on 2012/03/07 07:28:50 AM CET
i tried following code for 18F2550 (20MHz) with default configataion at time of creating project
void main()
PORTB = 0; // Initialize PORTC
TRISB = 0; // Configure PORTC as output
PORTC = 0; // set PORTC to 0
TRISC = 128;
UART1_Init(9600); // Initialize UART module at 9600 bps
Delay_ms(100); // Wait for UART module to stabilize
compiler gives an error at either PWM1_init or UART_init
it comlipe either PWM or UART at a time
individualy PWM and UART works as usual
but when i tried at as above it dose not work pleas help me
i guess it may be problem with configuration only but i could not found
posted on 2012/02/29 03:21:15 PM CET
Hello there,
maybe someone can tell me where is my mistake when I calculate free clusters in FAT table.
I have read tons info about FAT16, but anyway something wrong in my code. I compare my results with results giving WinHex or simple Win. So my code :
ptrInt = &DataBuffer[0x0B];
BytesPerSector = *ptrInt;
SectorsPerCluster = DataBuffer[0x0D];
ptrInt = &DataBuffer[0x0E];
ReservedSectors = *ptrInt;
NumberFats = DataBuffer[0x10];
ptrInt = &DataBuffer[0x16];
SectorsPerFat = *ptrInt;
ptrLong = &DataBuffer[0x20];
NumberSectors = *ptrLong;
ptrInt = &DataBuffer[0x1C];
HidenSectors = *ptrInt;
FirstFatSector = HidenSectors + ReservedSectors;
LastFatSector = FirstFatSector + SectorsperFat;
Root_Dir_Start = ReservedSectors + NumberFats * SectorsPerFat;
First_Data_Sector = Root_Dir_Start + 32;
Usable_Clusters = (NumberSectors - (First_Data_Sector + 1)) / SectorsPerCluster; // Total available clusters
Capacity = BytesPerSector * SectorsPerCluster * Usable_Clusters;
there any problems - formulas works great,
but there I'm stuck :
Sector = FirstFatSector;
freeClusters = 0;
while( Sector < LastFatSector )
Mmc_Read_Sector(Sector, DataBuffer);
for(i=0; i<256; i++) // i - FAT entries. 256 - in FAT any entry is 2 bytes long, so 512/2 = 256
if((DataBuffer [i*2]== 0x00) && (DataBuffer [(i*2)+ 1]== 0x00))
result ==> freeClusters = 61450 - a little to big!
but WinHex show me another value - 61243.
So I'll be deeply thankful
posted on 2012/02/19 03:22:03 AM CET
I am one of the biggest fan of MikroC for PIC.
But i am stuck in a problem..
Due to some reasons i can't use 4-bit mode LCD Code..
And That's why i need 8-Bit LCD Code..
Pls Help Me.. If Someone know how to do this..
posted on 2012/02/17 12:48:12 AM CET
Does anyone have a code for Timer0 Interrupt on Arm Stellaris LM3S9B95( MMB Borad )??
i am working on my Project and want to develop a Mobile keypad cursor, so thats why i need Timer0 Interrupt.
Munish K
posted on 2012/02/07 06:45:13 AM CET
please help me, i need mikroC 5.40 code for making PIC act as i2c slave, I'm thinking I just lost $250 for this compiler and I'm failed to get a working code from all sources.
please send me if anyone have it.
thanks a lot in advance.