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posted on 2011/11/11 11:42:43 AM CET
Communication > CAN / LIN / RS485
Hello.I wrote a program using RS485 [ PIC18F452/XTAL=20MHZ/mikroC for PIC compiler v5.1.0 ] to transfer the following arrays;
unsigned long int LOWD[]={1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,500,500,500,100,4,44,40,7,5,5,5,400,500000,300000};
unsigned long int DHIGH[]={25000,25000,25000,25000,25000,25000,1200,1200,1200,290,11,60,280,1,33,33,33,3190,30000000,30000000};
from U2=PIC18F452 as a master to U1=PIC18F452 as a slave just at the begining of my main
and for one time and also to transfer the above arrays from U1=PIC18F452 slave for each
5 seconds to a PC.U2 is about 800 meters far from U1 and PC is 650 meters far from U2 and U2.
So,I wrote the following code for my PIC Master U2;
*** Using RS485***
MCU: PIC18F452.
Oscillator: External, 20.000 MHz.
Ext. Modules: RS485 on PORTC.
SW: mikroC v5.1.
char datx[39],dat[39];//Buffer for receving/sending messages.
char i,k, Iflag;
unsigned long int LOWD[]={1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,500,500,500,100,4,44,40,7,5,5,5,400,500000,300000};
unsigned long int DHIGH[]={25000,25000,25000,25000,25000,25000,1200,1200,1200,290,11,60,280,1,33,33,33,3190,30000000,30000000};
//Function declration;
void MRSX485();
void MRSX485(){
UART1_Init(9600);//initialize uart module.
RS485Master_Init();//intialize mcu as master.
PORTB = 0;
PORTD = 0;
TRISB = 0;
TRISD = 0;
dat[0] = datx[k];
dat[1] = datx[k+1];
dat[2] = datx[k+2];
dat[3] = 0;
dat[4] = 0; //*****What I should assign to dat[3] thru dat[6]?*****
dat[5] = 0;
dat[6] = 0;
Iflag = 0;
PORTB = 0;
PORTD = 0;
dat[4] = 0;//ensure that message received flag is 0.
dat[5] = 0;//ensure that error flag is 0.
PIE1.RCIE = 1;//Enable interrupts.
INTCON.PEIE = 1;//On byte received.
PIE2.TXIE = 0;//Via UART (RS485).
//**? **upon completed valid message receiving.
//**? **data[4] is set to 255.
if(dat[5]){ //if error detected, signal it by.
PORTD.F0 = 1;//setting PORTD.F0 to 1.
goto MX1;//Repeat sending that error messages again untill to be sent successfully.
if(dat[4]){ //if message received successfully.
dat[4] = 0;//clear message received flag.
PORTD.F1=1;//setting PORTD.F1 to 1.
goto MX1; //Go for sending the remains.
// Interrupt routine
void interrupt() {
sbit rs485_rxtx_pin at RC6_bit;//set transcieve pin.
sbit rs485_rxtx_pin_direction at TRISC6_bit;//set transcieve pin directio.
void main() {
PORTA=0;//Clear portA.
TRISA=0XFF;//PortA is input.
PORTD=0;//Clear portD.
TRISD=0;//PortD is output.
PORTC=0;//Clear portC.
TRISC=0;//portC is output.
PORTB=0;//Clear portB.
TRISB=0XFF;//portB is input.
PORTE=0;//Clear portE.
TRISE=0;//PortE is Output. zzzz
// Only for PIC18F452 //
RCON.IPEN =1;//Enable priority levels on interrupts.
INTCON.INT0IE =1;//Enables the INT0 external interrupt.
INTCON2.INTEDG0 =0;//Interrupt on falling edge.
INTCON.RBIE =1;//Enables the RB Port change interrupt.
But that is not worked correctly.Would you please tell me what is wrong with my code?
Also,how can I sure that my arrays transferred correctly into U1 in a effective,fast and simply?
And how to write the Slave[U1] for that,to receive arrays send byU2?
posted on 2011/11/11 07:39:53 AM CET
It would be very helpful to develop a Library for MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi transceiver, just like the one for ENC28J60 Ethernet controller.
I am looking forward for your reply.
Thank you !
Best regards,
Military Technical Academy, Bucharest
posted on 2011/11/06 08:49:13 PM CET
hello I need some example of how to read RFID tags MikroElektronika reader, but must be made ​​for a MMB board for PIC32 or simply for a PIC32.
posted on 2011/11/06 07:11:11 AM CET
Hallo there,
does anybody know, how to control a PS2 mouse in mikroC language using PIC16F628A ? I searched the libstock, and there are only 2 mikropascal solution :-(
Thanks in advance.
posted on 2011/10/28 06:49:29 AM CEST
I would like to build an capacitive touch board with 8 button ,but I can't do that!
Could you help me ?
Thank you!